Our cars use a keyless system, which means that there are no physical keys. The EVie vehicles are equipped with a start/stop button that needs to be pressed to turn the vehicle on.
Read our FAQ about when your virtual key will be available for a ride.
During your booking:
- Pressing 'Pause Trip' in the app will lock the vehicle.
- Pressing 'Resume Trip' in the app will unlock the vehicle.
At the end of your booking:
- Ensure that you are back at the vehicles station (where you collected the vehicle)
- Switch off the ignition and put the handbrake on.
- Ensure you have taken all of your belongings and any rubbish.
- Shut the windows.
- Exit the vehicle, closing all doors
- Press 'End Trip' in the EVie app - the vehicle will lock and your account will be billed for the ride.